Lesson 1: Determining the Effect of Textual Aids like Advance Organizers, Titles, Non-linear illustrations, etc. on the Understanding of a Text
Are you excited to start your first lesson this school year? All right! As you are now in Grade 10, you are expected to have developed a deeper appreciation for textual aids. It is easier to understand a highly technical text by picking up key information and using them. Textual aids are educational instruments or tools that provide support and facilitate understanding of texts. They activate background knowledge, especially before reading a selection, article, or any text. What do you do when you read something and you have a difficulty understanding the text? Think of the things you do to help yourself understand a difficult text better. It is good if you have your teacher or a family member to help you understand a challenging story or speech. However, if you are alone, or if there is no one who can help you understand what you read, textual aids might just save the day! Different Textual Aids to Help You Understand What You Read Title A title when effective, activa...